

原创作者: 图龙网络科技 发布时间: 2023-09-23 231.95K 人阅读


太极混元 发布于 7个月前 分类:知识文档


1. **Introduction(引言)**
- 开始用一个hook(吸引读者注意力的句子),比如引用、统计数据或相关故事。
- 简要介绍你要讨论的话题背景。
- 指出你的论点(thesis statement),明确表达你的观点。

2. **Thesis Statement(论点)**
- 论点应该清晰而具体,通常位于引言的最后一句话。
- 它概述了文章将要论证的主要观点。

3. **Body Paragraphs(正文段落)**
- 每个段落应专注于一个特定的支持点。
- 提供证据和例子来支持你的论点。
- 使用逻辑推理和事实分析来加强你的立场。
- 可能包括反对意见及其反驳。

4. **Counterarguments(反论)**
- 承认对立观点可能有的合理性和重要性。
- 对这些反论进行解释并指出为什么你的论点更加有力。

5. **Conclusion(结论)**
- 总结你的主要论点。
- 引导读者思考如何应用你的论点到现实情况中。
- 结束语可以是呼吁行动或者提出最后的思考问题。

6. **References(参考文献)**
- 如果你在文章中引用了任何外部资源,确保列出它们。

- 保持语言清晰和正式,避免使用口语和模糊的表达。
- 使用恰当的过渡词和短语来连接段落和思路。
- 在撰写每个段落时,确保主题句清楚地传达该段落的主要信息。
- 避免在论证中包含新的信息或论据;所有论据都应在主体段落中充分展开。


**Topic:** Should schools provide tablets instead of textbooks?

Technology is rapidly changing the way we learn and access information. While many argue that traditional textbooks are still essential for learning, this essay will argue that schools should replace textbooks with tablets to enhance educational experiences and prepare students for the digital future.

**Thesis Statement:**
Adopting tablets in place of textbooks offers numerous benefits, including increased interactivity, cost-efficiency, and access to up-to-date resources.

**Body Paragraphs:**
One significant advantage of using tablets over textbooks is the enhanced interactivity they offer. With tablets, teachers can incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, quizzes, and virtual simulations into their lessons, making learning more engaging and enjoyable for students. Additionally, tablets can be updated instantly, ensuring that students always have access to the most current information, whereas textbooks become outdated quickly.

Some may argue that tablets can be a distraction for students and may hinder face-to-face interaction in the classroom. However, when used correctly, tablets can actually increase student involvement and facilitate collaboration among peers.

In conclusion, while traditional textbooks have their merits, the advantages of using tablets in education far outweigh these. By embracing technology in the classroom, schools can equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in an increasingly digital world.




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